Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Not for Profits - get with this century!

My response to this article: http://philanthropy.com/article/What-Nonprofits-Should-Start/143699/

Not for profits should stop doing the same things they've always done and review what is and isn't working. Case in point - I've received at least 10 cheap pens from various not for profits soliciting for donations and its annoying. Stop spending money on cheap pens trying to guilt me into giving money because you sent me something. Also, stop sending address labels - most billing is now managed online and there are only so many cards and letters being mailed - hence the reason the Post Office is down sizing. Get with this century.

What not for profits need to do is make their websites responsive design and fully accessible. They need to personalize the experience. They need to get creative in making the giving experience engaging and allow for the opportunity to customize the experience and relationship.

People are smarter and have access to so much information, so not for profits need to break through the noise and tell stories that people relate to and can respond to quickly.

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