Friday, November 20, 2009

F5 conference - How refreshing!

Just heard about this conference "F5" Expo in Vancouver April 7th 2010. They have Malcom Gladwell as their guest speaker. What I really think is great is that they have used a computer reference, hitting the F5 keys will refresh a page, as their name and theme.

It looks like it'll be a good conference and it looks affordable...if you can get to Vancouver. Something to consider.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Does MS have a good idea?

Microsoft is doing something interesting. They are aggregating social media feedback about Windows 7 - It is a bit annoying too, hard to read as it changes and I have a sneaking suspicion they are doing some filtering to get positive sentiments.

Several months ago I saw a presentation that used "Skittles" as an example as they had added a twitter stream to their site - only it wasn't filter and they had to quickly take it down as not only was there a lot of negative comments but also lot of spam and irrelevant information.

Aggregating social media activity is a good idea, exposing it for public consumption in one collection may not be the best idea. I guess it depends on how confident one is about the product and services being offered as well as the commitment to respond and join the conversation.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Business Value of Intranet 2.0

You think collaboration and even social networking tools are a good idea but there is a real concern that they’ll waste employees’ time and decrease productivity. Do intranet 2.0 tools, like internal social networking, wikis, blogs and discussion forums have a business value?

The main uses of intranet 2.0 tools are by the information worker whose current task load unfortunately isn’t quantified. However, studies show that as much as 11 hours a week are wasted in the search for and the management of information. As well, when trying to find subject matter experts, employees use different methods with varying degrees of success. This inefficiency is compounded by the enormous amount of information available which is growing exponentially and is in a diverse range of formats.

When all is said and done, however, there is a growing perception of the importance of intranet 2.0 tools. And there is an increasing expectation, especially amongst GenY employees, that they will be able to collaborate and contribute. While there are risks, the benefits can be considerable especially for innovation, engagement and gaining efficiencies.

11 hours a week – time being lost

It is estimated that the average information worker spends almost nine hours a week searching for and gathering information but almost half of that, 3.7 hours a week, is spent in searching but not finding information. Add to that the estimated 3.7 hours per week that is spent reformatting data because it comes from multiple sources, plus 2.5 hours per week recreating information that couldn’t be found, and another 1.2 hours per week caused by version control issues and you get over eleven hours per week per information work that could be better spent, at an approximate value of $20,000 per year per information worker (based on a $75,000/yr salary) – is there value in that? 1

Who are you going to call? – finding subject matter experts

Over 50% of employees want the ability to locate expertise to help them with their jobs (according to Recommind). They currently try to find experts by:2

  • asking around (71%),
  • using the company directory (46%),
  • using the intranet (34%) and
  • 30% will send a company-wide email (according to Vanson Bourne).

Information growth – 6X more

Information is expected to have increased six fold between 2006 and 2010, and while that may not be reflective of all organizations, it is safe to say that information is increasing and is available in more formats from more sources. Therefore, the challenges to find the information and the people you need is only going to get harder.3

2.0 Importance

More than 50% of those surveyed in a recent AIIM study consider the use of Enterprise 2.0 applications to be important or very important.4

Generational Expectations

Companies are recognizing that there are four generations at the workplace:

  • Traditionalists (1925-42)
  • Baby Boomers (1943-60)
  • GenX (1961-81)
  • GenY or Millennials (1982-2001)

GenY are eagerly engaging in, and have an expectation of using social networking and collaboration tools. While GenX and Baby Boomers understand teamwork and expect to be able to give feedback, GenY’s expectations are that they can collaborate, give their opinion on everything and use all the tools at their disposal. Understanding emerging expectations and behaviours now in order to implement processes and governance will ensure that everyone starts at the same footing.5

Risks – failure, low use, quantifying value

Some organizations can’t see the benefits in using new technology especially if they’ve had a negative experience, and of those who have tried social media internally many have experienced low participation and adoption for multiple reasons.

  • 70% of social implementations fail because they lack a business purpose, according to Gartner (source:


  • low adoption is perceived as failure even though the emphasis needs to be on the business use of the tool to drive results and therefore the quality of information being shared with the people that most need that information
  • satisfaction and adaption to change needs to be measured in terms of the use of the social media tools
  • enabling and empowering employees by giving acceptable use policies and fostering a culture of collaboration can increase participation
    There is difficulty in quantifying the benefits since inefficiencies around knowledge work isn’t measured

Intranet 2.0 Value

Measurable benefits attributed to web/enterprise 2.0 applications can be categorized under three key areas of Innovation, Engagement and Efficiences:1,2,4


  • an increased ability to share ideas
  • Improve company performance as awareness and knowledge increase
  • Being able to find information quickly allows time for further analysis which spurs thought and innovation and can lead to new product ideas


  • Improvement of departmental synchronization and alignment
  • New employees onboarded quickly
  • Employees know each other
  • Having a more rounded and diverse range of information rather than just email pieces


  • Reduction in costs (as much as 10% decrease) for travel, operations and communications
  • More rapid access (as much as 30% increase) to knowledge experts
  • Reduction of email by 30%+
  • Ability to quickly respond to opportunities
  • Implementing 2.0 tools can force the streamlining of processes as well as the implementation of governance and strategy

Value Examples7

Socialtext and IBM have recently published good examples of the effective use of social media tools with measurable results.

Socialtext examples:

FONA International

  • Email burden of 50,000 estimated per year
  • Excel and email used to track training and certification of each employee for regulatory compliance with versioning and accuracy issues and a lack of an audit trail


  • Collaborative software with calendaring and social spreadsheets
  • Eliminated 50,000 emails a year
  • Version confusion eliminated
  • Audit trail established
  • Accuracy and engagement improved as individuals are responsible for their own information


  • Custom software code performance issues


  • Using social tools started conversations to solve the issues
  • Brainstorming occurred
  • $2.5 million estimated saved as they didn’t go out and purchase hardware

Law Firm

  • Several lawyers on account with little coordination
  • Redundant work effort
  • Higher search and coordination cost for client
  • Strained client relationship


  • Wiki workspace
  • Structured formal processes
  • Transparency in sharing what each was working on including with the client
  • Improved client satisfaction and loyalty

IBM example:

  • By instituting an enterprise tagging service, IBM estimated that they saved 12 seconds per person or 955 hours per week with an estimated value of $7.5 million with the one time cost of development of $700,000 delivering ten times the value.6


The question really isn’t whether or not intranet 2.0 tools have business value, rather it is can you afford not to use them to improve information workers’ ability to find the data and people they need quickly and easily to do their job? And is it realistic to ignore 2.0 tools because of fear of misuse when time wastage is already occurring? Is it reasonable to expect a whole generation that is hot wired to collaborate and share to change their behaviour?

Assigning business value by having a strategic plan for 2.0 tools and their use, as well as implementing defined processes and governance, will empower employees to do what you’re paying them to do – think.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Showing is more powerful then telling

Rick Hansen has done it again. He has shown us the power of showing abilities rather than speaking of disabilities. This week on the Rick Mercer Report Rick Hansen met Rick Mercer's challenge of bungee jumping See: RMR: Rick Hansen Bungee Jump.

It's not enough to make websites and buildings accessible. We have to see the potential and abilities in everyone - and the best way to see it is by showing it.

Thanks Rick, and Rick

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

If the culture is raining excuses start a weather blog

When conducting a strategic planning session for a client we discussed the culture of the organization as being very formal and risk averse. Its funny how there is always at least one person in a meeting the encapulates that culture. The discussion led to blogs and having an executive blog.

But who would write it, they asked with a groan.

I'm a strong advocate of getting the information from the horses mouth so to speak, even if its one or two sentences.

Then they wanted to know what would the CEO write about?

Well, why don't we start with the organization's performance.

No, no that was sensitive information, most is confidential because they are competitive.

Well, no, not if its in general terms - yep we're doing well; or this quarter will be tight...

But there is so much not in our control that affects performance and not just the employees, what about the economy and the weather!

Then have a blog about the weather - I suggested. Seriously. If your company's performance is affected by the weather then you surely can find someone within the organization who is equally fascinated by the weather to write about it and you can challenge them to comment on how they think it'll impact the business.

There is always a solution - If someone is raining on your parade, tell them when the sun will be out.